Navigation Toolkit - Academy of Oncology Nurse & …
3 Resources to Transform Care for Older Adults with Cancer 3 Resources to Transform Care for Older Adults with Cancer The Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) developed a suite of resources to help cancer care teams assess and improve the care they provide for older adults with cancer. The 3 resources include an evidence-based gap assessment tool to evaluate key elements of care, a how-to guide that offers detailed strategies that can be implemented without significant burden on staff or budgets, and an online resource library with more than 100 resources and tools to support improvement plans.2021 Patient Guide to Cancer Support Services 2021 Patient Guide to Cancer Support Services CONQUER: the patient voice, the official patient magazine of AONN+, shares a list of organizations that may help patients receive the best treatment and relieve financial worries with its Fifth Annual Patient Guide to Cancer Support Services.Implementing the Commission on Cancer Standard 8.1: Addressing Barriers to Care - A Road Map for Comprehensive Cancer Control Professionals and Cancer Program Administrators Implementing the Commission on Cancer Standard 8.1: Addressing Barriers to Care - A Road Map for Comprehensive Cancer Control Professionals and Cancer Program Administrators This road map is an update of a previous resource for Implementing the Commission on Cancer Standard 3.1: Patient Navigation Process. This resource will guide CCC professionals and administrators in identifying and addressing barriers to accessing health and/or psychosocial cancer care for cancer patients.AONN+ 2020 Navigation Metrics Toolkit AONN+ 2020 Navigation Metrics Toolkit AONN+ has identified 35 evidence-based navigation metrics that are relevant to cancer care, and demonstrate the value and sustainability of oncology navigation. This toolkit was developed to help navigators, oncology program administrators, healthcare executives, and other clinicians who are linked to navigation understand and support the integration of these standardized metrics into their normal business process. The toolkit will provide guidance on how to select, implement, report, and utilize them as they engage in quality/performance improvement and strategic decision-making.
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