Counting Games for Kids Online - SplashLearn
Counting Games for 2nd Graders Counting Games for 2nd Graders1. Counting objects & numbers 1. Counting objects & numbers
A. In different arrangements
The visual inception of counting begins by arranging and enumerating objects. The interpretation of objects within a group in different arrangements, but same arithmetic value /frequency nurtures visual observation skills.
For example, following image represents the number 3:
b. In the groups of 10
Another perspective of counting objects in groups of ten eventually relates to the counting of objects in different arrangements. Kids sequentially learn to comprehend, speak and gradually represent numbers in textual form by arranging and counting objects in the bundle of 10’s. With each bundle, the counting grid up-to 20, 50 and 100 can be written to refer while adding or subtracting numbers within 100. The following figures represent counting grid for numbers up-to 20 and 100. c. Line-plot
Comprehension of numbers using a line-plot is one of the most influential technique. The versatile method incorporates visual observation skills to solve numerous math brain teasers in number line worksheets.
Generally, the line plot starts from the number “0” and each number is marked next to it, representing a unit distance. The line-plots were conceptually devised by William Playfair, contemplating the need of effective visual representation of numbers and large datasets.
A basic line plot of numbers from 0 to 10 is represented as follows: The numbers of a missing sequence can be determined using a line plot. The math tool is also used for teaching basic math operations in preschool grades owing to its commendable visual interpretation of numbers.2 Counting games: Relationship with the basic math operations 2 Counting games: Relationship with the basic math operations
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