Twinka Thiebaud - Wikipedia
Early lifeTwinka is the daughter of the American painter, Wayne Thiebaudand his wife Patricia Thiebaud, wed in 1943. Twinka was Wayne Thiebaud's first-born child. Born in Los Angeles, California on December 9, 1945, Twinka was raised in Los Angeles, New York City, and Sacramento, Califor… Modeling careerSeeking to become an actress, Twinka returned to Los Angeles from Marin. For a number of years she lived with the aging novelist Henry Miller in his Pacific Palisadeshome acting as his cook and caretaker; a family friend of Miller's, she was with him on the day he died. Simultaneo…
Early lifeTwinka is the daughter of the American painter, Wayne Thiebaudand his wife Patricia Thiebaud, wed in 1943. Twinka was Wayne Thiebaud's first-born child. Born in Los Angeles, California on December 9, 1945, Twinka was raised in Los Angeles, New York City, and Sacramento, Califor…
Modeling careerSeeking to become an actress, Twinka returned to Los Angeles from Marin. For a number of years she lived with the aging novelist Henry Miller in his Pacific Palisadeshome acting as his cook and caretaker; a family friend of Miller's, she was with him on the day he died. Simultaneo…
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